


F ounded in 2011, we are an independent think tank on international relations. Through analysis and the generation and application of ideas, we grow our understanding of global affairs and local contexts, specially that of local communities facing economic and social upheaval. We share this with partners and the public at large to ensure practical impact.

ReSeT has a small core team coordinating larger groups of internationally located free-lance experts working on practical implementation as well as more academically oriented research. Over the past years, we have worked on dozens of projects with many national and international NGOs including Intermon Oxfam and the ICRC, and in various countries in sub-Sahara Africa, the Maghreb region, the Middle East and Latin America.

In Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, India, Liberia, Mozambique, the Netherlands, Senegal, South Sudan, Spain, and Morocco we have provided technical assistance to a multitude of partners. In these countries we also have extensive networks in the fields of human rights, civil society, education and good governance.

Furthermore, we have been involved with and developed a number of cross-country projects, including the Polis Project, Local First (led by Peace Direct), the Mayet Group, and have an in-house research team permanently focused on the impact of natural resources, especially in sub-Saharan Africa .

To find out more, please contact us here.

Globe in grass against sunrise